Friday, July 7, 2023

Rolling a 3 for Motivation

At least it wasn't a 1...

This is a whiny blog post, feel free to skip it.

It's not easy being a creative.

I want to make big, bold, beautiful art. I want to create all the things. I want to do it perfectly and I want to do it immediately and with no effort.

Yeah, I'm that guy.

None of this (motions at the entire universe) works that way. Every thing I do requires time and effort and it NEVER goes smooth. Everything I do is a test. Everything I do is a learning experience. I can never seem to budget enough time for what I want to do. I try to simplify, but either I underestimate the complexity of the task at hand or my desire for perfection and "coolness" makes things far more complex than I intended.

Or, I am just too damned tired and/or overwhelmed to even start. The procrastination pile just grows and grows...

This blog is supposed to be accompanied by a YouTube channel. But, I'm having some trouble producing content to get it launched. I set the scope for the YouTube channel too wide and I know it. Buuuuuuuut... my desire to do all the cool things will not allow me to reset the scope.

I made this uncomfortable bed - there will be no rest!

There will be a YouTube channel! On this I vow! (🙄) It's just going to take WAY more time to launch than I wanted. The blog posts are flowing like water - which is frankly unusual for me. But, the vlog/channel/videos are going to be a minute and it's all on me.

What am I talking about? So, honestly, the channel should just be about live game play throughs and any additional content that comes to hand down the line. But, it occurred to me that maybe I should create some terrain for the first game sessions. Mind you, I won't have any painted minis for that game - but kit-bashed terrain? My brain is requiring it!

Have I ever built terrain before? No. No, I have not. Have I watched maybe a thousand videos of other creators, far more experienced creators, doing it over the years and convinced myself I can do that, too? Yes. Totally.

So, because my brain has the dumb, I decided not to just start building terrain (which I haven't done before) but to record all of it (which I also haven't done before) and, just to up the difficulty (to impress the French judges) I want to do a THREE PART VIDEO as my first entries to the channel!

What? The? Heck? Is? Wrong? With? ME!?!?!?

Now, having said all of that, yes, I have been procrastinating like a madman for weeks on the videos. But, last night I put at least three hours into filming. I figure I got about a fourth of the filming and construction that I want to do done. Now, that means I'm likely another 12+ hours of recording & construction & painting, and probably four+ hours of editing.

All to produce three 5 minute videos.

Why do I think this is fun???

But - I do! 😎

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